
Automatic file format recognition.
Automatic polygon checking and repairing function during (scene) loading.
Batch converter module with detailed object statistics and texture export function.
Bone and vertex bone weights support (not for all modules).
Command line conversion / view.
Drag and Drop support (to load object).
Fast import and export process.
Fully dynamic memory allocation, so the program only uses as much memory as it needs.
FullScreen FireMonkey 3 rendered interactive object viewer with mouse wheel support.
Geometry transformation.
Material per polygon support.
Material editor.
Multiplatform ASCII file loader technology.
Options /for general, view, colors, import, export, tools/.
Premium styles.
Storing and processing the vertices as double precision.
Storing and processing the faces as n-sided polygons.
Texture converters.
Viewer for the supported texture formats.
Wireframe / Color wireframe / Flat shaded / Gouraud shaded / Textured rendering mode.
Functions / Tools
Function / Tool Menu Toolbar icon Hotkey
Auto rotate View - CMD-A
Batch converter File - -
Calculate areas and volumes Tools - -
Calculate vertex colors from face colors Tools - -
Delete scene UV maps Tools - -
Display the scene area and volume values on the toolbar Tools/Options/View - -
Draw vertices Draw CMD-V
Draw wireframe Draw CMD-E
Draw color wireframe Draw CMD-D
Draw flat shaded Draw CMD-F
Draw gouraud shaded Draw CMD-G
Draw textured Draw CMD-T
Export bones Tools -
Export the material table's textures to .bmp files Tools -
Flip scene UV map vertically Tools - CMD-U
Folders tree on/off - -
Geometry transformation Tools - -
Invert object face orientation (Object and material selector) - - -
Invert scene face orientation Tools - CMD-I
Detailed bone information (right click on the Bone* line) - -
Detailed material information and material editor (right click on the Material* line) - -
Detailed object information (right click on the 3D Scene* line) - -
Object, material, bone selector on/off - -
Options Draw CMD-O
Quick material information View - -
Quick object information View - -
Quick polygon statistics View - -
Save as (model) File -
Save as favourite (model) File -
Scale to fit - -
Send ViewPort3D bitmap to Clipboard Tools - CMD-C
Set the default texture file extension in the material table Tools - -
Show bones Draw -
Show grid Draw - -
Show light Draw - CMD-L
Show object bounding boxes Draw - CMD-B
Show object gravity points Draw - -
Show scene axes Draw - -
Show scene bounding boxes Draw - CMD-S
Show scene gravity points Draw - -
Show vertex normals Draw -
Texture converters Tools - -
Unwrap UV Tools -
Mouse based view navigations
Function Mouse button Description
Rotate scene Left Rotates the scene by clicking the left mouse in the graphics window and dragging up/down or left/right.
Zoom scene Right Zooms the scene in or out by clicking the right mouse in the graphics window and dragging up or down. If the mouse has a wheel, the wheel will also zoom.
Pan scene Left Press the Shift button and "Drags" the scene around with the mouse (left/right or up/down).
Pan scene deep Right Press the Shift button and "Drags" the scene around with the mouse (left/right or up/down).
Pan light Left Press the Ctrl button and "Drags" the light around with the mouse (left/right or up/down).
Pan light deep Right Press the Ctrl button and "Drags" the light forward or backward with the mouse (up/down).
Keyboard based view navigation
Function Key button Description
Pan scene Arrows Press the arrow button to move the scene (left/right or up/down).
Supported command line parameters for macOS
Command Description
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and views the fullpath/try.3ds file.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the fullpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -writeover

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the fullpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -exportpath ~/documents/temp/

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the exportpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -exportpath ~/documents/temp/ -writeover

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the exportpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the fullpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -writeover

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the fullpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -exportpath ~/documents/temp/

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the exportpath place.
open -a i3DConverter --args fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -exportpath ~/documents/temp/ -writeover

for example: fullpath=~/documents/
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the exportpath place.
Supported command line parameters for Linux 64
Command Description
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and views the fullpath/try.3ds file.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the fullpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -writeover

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the fullpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -exportpath /home/[username]/Documents/temp/

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the exportpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -exportpath /home/[username]/Documents/temp -writeover

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and views and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the exportpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the fullpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -writeover

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the fullpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -exportpath /home/[username]/Documents/temp/

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created in the exportpath place.
./i3DConverter fullpath/try.3ds 10 50 60 -nogui -exportpath /home/[username]/Documents/temp -writeover

for example: fullpath=/home/[username]/Documents
Opens and converts the fullpath/try.3ds file into 10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini).

The file will be created (overwrite an existing file) in the exportpath place.
Supported texture file formats
Extension Type
32A uncompressed (Screamer 4x4)
ACT/RAW 24 bits (4x4 Evolution)
AEI compressed (Abyss Engine)
BDS compressed (Ferentus, Herrcot, Xiones)
BMAP compressed (Ridge Racer Unbounded)
BMP 8,16,24,32 bits
CVT compressed (Kill la Kill IF)
D2S compressed (Scions of Fate)
D3D9_TEXTURE compressed (Legend of Grimrock)
DDJ compressed (Joymax /Silkroad Online/)
DDS compressed DXT1, DXT2, DXT3, DXT4, DXT5
DDS uncompressed 16 bits (R5G6B5, A1R5G5B5, X1R5G5B5)
DDS uncompressed 24 bits (R8G8B8)
DDS uncompressed 32 bits (A8R8G8B8, A8B8G8R8, X8R8G8B8, X8B8G8R8)
DDS compressed (League of Angels – Heaven's Fury)
DDS compressed (Psychonauts)
DXT uncompressed 32 bits (Hero Online)
DXT compressed (Hero Online, Knight Online)
EDV compressed (Lune of Eden)
EGO EGO Engine (Toybox Turbos)
GXRESTEXTURE compressed (Dragon Star Varnir)
HVT compressed (Final Exam)
I3I iCube Engine (Point Blank)
IMG uncompressed 32 bits (Frogger: The Great Quest)
JIT compressed (Aika Online)
JPG 24 bits
MAP uncompressed (Screamer 4x4)
MTX compressed (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
NTX 24 bits (Laghaim)
PCX 8,24 bits
PIC uncompressed 24 bits (Romancing Clannad)
PNG compressed 24, 32 bits
PPM uncompressed binary 24 bits
PTE compressed (Star Stable Online)
QTX uncompressed 24, compressed 32 bits (Tales of Fantasy)
RAW 24 bits (Live for Speed)
RGB uncompressed (Screamer 4x4)
SEK 24,32 bits (Laghaim)
SPA compressed (MikuMikuDance)
SPH compressed (MikuMikuDance)
ST compressed (Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure)
STF 24 bits (3D World Studio)
TEX compressed (Avalon Heroes)
TEX compressed (Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue)
TEX uncompressed 24 bits (Face3d [Warp3D demo])
TEX compressed (Fantasy Tennis)
TEX compressed (Fear 2: Reborn)
TEX compressed (Garfield Kart: Furious Racing)
TEX compressed (Hellboy: Science of Evil PS3)
TEX compressed (Midtown Madness / Midnight Club)
TEX compressed (Monster Hunter: World)
TEX compressed (Titan Quest)
TEX compressed (Trials Fusion)
TEXTURE compressed (Skoki Narciarskie 2006)
TGA uncompressed 8 bits color index
TGA uncompressed 16,24,32 bits
TGA compressed 8,16,24,32 bits
TGA compressed (League of Angels – Heaven's Fury)
TGA.CKD compressed (Child of Light)
WIM compressed (Made Man)
WFT compressed (Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI)
WXY 24,32 bits (Laghaim)
WYS compressed (With Your Destiny)
*_COL, *_COMP compressed (EA Sports MMA)
Texture converters
Import format Export format Description
.bmap .dds It converts the Ridge Racer Unbounded .bmap format to DirectDraw Surface .dds format.
.bmp .wxy It converts the Microsoft Windows Bitmap .bmp format to Laghaim .wxy format.
.cvt .dds It converts the Kill la Kill IF .cvt format to DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT5) format.
.dds .aei It converts the DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1, DXT5) format to Abyss Engine .aei format.
.dds .jit It converts the DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) format to Aika Online .jit format.
.dds .texture It converts the DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT5) to Skoki Narciarskie 2006 .texture format.
.jit .dds It converts the Aika Online .jit format to DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) format.
.tex .dds It converts the Fantasy Tennis .tex format to DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) format.
.tex .png It converts the Custom Maid 3D 2 .tex format to Portable Network Graphics .png format.
.texture .dds It converts the Skoki Narciarskie 2006 .texture format to DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT5) format.
.zbp .bpg It converts the Fast and Furious 8 .zbp format to Better Portable Graphics .bpg format.